
Assalamu'alaikum ^-^

Jadi ... saya menulis ini di tengah kegiatan belajar (UN BENTAR LAGI HUEEE) saya yang membosankan. Jadi, saya ngerjain soal-soal sambil dengerin lagu di youtube. Dan kali ini, saya mau bahas lagu yang lagi saya putar ini.

Yap! Millionaires!

Beberapa dari kalian mungkin gak tau lagu milik siapa itu. Itu lagunya band favorit saya, The Script. Pertama denger lagunya, saya langsung jatuh hati. Duh, emak, aduhai sekalii~ Pas saya nyari video clip-nya di youtube, eh, taunya ada.

Dan saya suka banget sama video-nya (meskipun Danny dkk. cuma muncul kurang dari 5 detik). Especially cewek berambut merah di sana. Siapa tau di antara kalian ada yang tau siapakah cewek itu, boleh dong bagi-bagi info :33

Ceweknya cantik menurut saya, meskipun cantikan saya, sih. Yang disayangkan adalah, cowoknya. Gantengan Danny Ya Allah, sekalipun teman-teman saya sering ledekin dia tua [YA HELLOW, dia seumuran Adam Levine].

[i mean, you never said Adam Levine is old, but you said that Danny is.]

Tapi sekarang saya tiba-tiba tertarik sama Glen Power.


Saya bingung mau nulis apa. Sudah saya bilang, ini hanya pelampiasan bosan semata. Intinya, dari semua lagu keren milik The Script, Millionaires adalah favorit saya. Beserta dengan video nya. I luv u.

Btw, mungkin nanti saya bakal nge-review buku lagi. Bukan apa-apa. Hanya saja, saya merasa saya kalo nulis resensi masih acakadut coz bahasanya bercampur dengan alay (meski saya gak janji bahasa alay bakan menghilang). Jadi ... saya mau rajin nulisin resensi buku buat latihan '-')9. Mungkin beberapa bakalan e-book juga (baca: wattpad).

So, yeaaah .... Hadiah karena kalian udah baca ini:


They're kicking us out sayin' it's time to close
We're leaning on each other tryin' to beat the cold
I carry your shoes and I gave you my coat, yeah
We're walkin' these streets like they're paved with gold
Any old excuses not to go, neither one of us wanna take that taxi home

We were singin' our hearts out, standin' on chairs
Spendin' our time like we were millionaires
Laughin' our heads off, the two of us there
Spendin' our time like we were millionaires, millionaires

Lost my heart and I hope to die, see in that sunlight hit your eyes
Been up all night but you still look amazin' to me, yeah
Had the type of night you only dream about
If God came down he could take me now
Cos in my mind, yeah we will always be

Singin' our hearts out, standin' on chairs
Spendin' our time like we were millionaires
Laughin' our heads off, the two of us there
Spendin' our time like we were millionaires, millionaires

Look at us, it's 6 in the mornin'
If time was money, then we'd be worth a fortune
I swear, you may think you're rich
You can have a million euros but you can't buy this

Look at us, it's 6 in the mornin'
If time was money, then we'd be worth a fortune
I swear, you may think you're rich
You can have a million euros but you can't buy this

And the band was on, playin' our song
We messed up the lyrics as we sang along
But we didn't care, cos it felt like we were the only ones there
Our feet were sore, our throats were raw
They're turnin' out the lights but we're shoutin' more, we're shoutin' more

Singin' our hearts out, standin' on chairs
Spendin' our time like we were millionaires
Laughin' our heads off, the two of us there
Spendin' our time like we were millionaires, millionaires

Look at us, it's 6 in the mornin'
If time was money, then we'd be worth a fortune
I swear, you may think you're rich
You can have a million euros but you can't buy this

Look at us, it's 6 in the mornin'
If time was money, then we'd be worth a fortune
I swear, you may think you're rich
You can have a million euros but you can't buy this

We're walkin' these streets like they're paved with gold
Any old excuses not to go, neither one of us wanna take that taxi home

/lha ini mah hadiah apaan. nyari di yang lain juga jadi/

Yha udahlah yaa gapapa. Jangan lupa dengerin lagunya, ya! Sama lagu The Script lain. Enak, kok. Kalau kamu seleranya emnag musik yang kayak gini.


Ya sudah, saya pamit dulu. Baybay!

[liriknya saya ambil dari a-z lyric wkwk]



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